Happy & Safe Holidays! - Plumbing Paramedics - Expert Plumbers Calgary
Published On: 17 December 2018Categories: Latest News

It’s that time of year again. The snow has come (a little too early, honestly), the city night is bright with lights, and families gather in homes for feasting. Whether you are staying in Calgary over the holidays, or you’re off to another part of the world, we wish you and yours safe travels and the happiest of holidays.

Be Thankful.

As you gather around your dinner table surrounded by the people you love most and who love you, take a moment to be really mindful of how fortunate we Canadians are. Our houses are warm, our water is clean, and we have people who love us. Calgarians are so lucky to live in one of the best and safest cities in Canada and in the world. We’re so grateful to be able to work and live in Calgary, and it’s our honour to serve you!

Stay Safe.

The roads are always a little extra crazy this time of year. Somehow, everyone always forgets how to drive in the snow. So, take your time on the highway, stay put if the conditions are bad, and please drink responsibly.

Protect Your Plumbing!

You didn’t think we’d get through a whole article without mentioning plumbing, did you? If you’re hosting family and friends at your home, we hope you’ll invite your guests to scrape their plates into the compost bin. As compost, that rich gravy and bits of food will help someone’s garden to grow; down the drain it just causes clogs and slows down the flow of water. Remember to also scrape out saucepans and casserole dishes!

If everyone is spending the night, you may want a hair snare in the shower to keep drains running smoothly despite the extra hair, soap scum, etc! And finally, if you have any leaks or plumbing concerns, get those fixed before everyone comes over. There’s nothing like company to turning a plumbing problem into a disaster.

Everyone here at Plumbing Paramedics wishes you nothing but the best over the holidays and into the new year. So from your favourite Calgary plumbers, Happy Holidays — whether that’s Christmas, Hanukkah, or something else entirely, and have a wonderful 2019!

Call us at (403) 452-2911 or Book Now an appointment.

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