Have You Found Yourself In An Emergency Plumbing Situation? What Are You Wading For…Call The Plumbing And Heating Paramedics!

Plumbing And Heating Paramedics Are Ready To Come To Your Rescue

Protecting Calgarians 24 Hours A Day, 365 Days A Year.

Get Emergency Plumbing Services Now!

We pride ourselves on being available to Calgarians when they need us.

If you are caught up in a plumbing emergency, call Plumbing and Heating Paramedics right now to book an emergency plumbing service.

Plumbing Emergencies Can Happen At Any Time

How do you know if it’s a situation that calls for emergency help from the Plumbing and Heating Paramedics?

Look down. Are your feet wet?

Major flooding is an emergency that your Plumbing and Heating Paramedics can handle right away. If there is flooding in your home, it might be due to a faulty water heater, sewer backup, or a clogged toilet. If you see unexpected water anywhere in your house, it’s time to make an emergency call to Plumbing and Heating Paramedics.